The Ville Resort-Casino has signed a renewable energy deal with CleanCo Queensland that will see the precinct powered by 100% renewable energy by 2025.
While a proportion of the property’s power already comes from renewables, the deal will see that ratio increased over the next two years to reach the 100% target.
The deal makes The Ville the first Townsville-based organisation to sign up for renewable energy from CleanCo, a government-owned electricity generation and trading company that’s fuelled by a mix of renewable energy and innovative energy solutions.
The Ville CEO Michael Jones said the partnership with CleanCo marked a significant milestone in the property’s sustainable business practices.
“We’re committed to reducing our emissions and impact on the environment and by partnering with CleanCo now, we’ll be able to ensure The Ville is 100% powered by renewable sources by 2025,” he said.
“We’re privileged to be in a location of great natural beauty with the Ville being on the doorstep to The Great Barrier Reef and overlooking the Coral Sea. By using sustainable business practices such as renewable energy, we’re contributing to protecting and preserving this environment for generations to come.”
Michael Jones, CEO, The Ville Resort – Casino

The Ville